La versione in Link identifier #identifier__109025-2italiano

Practical information on admission procedures for the final exam and general modules can be found on the dedicated page of Link identifier #identifier__100402-3forms and information for PhD students of the Università di Roma Tre . In particular, the following modules are present (in Italian only):

  • Modulo per ammissione all’esame finale (Form for admission to the final exam)
  • Link identifier #identifier__17945-2Modulo per la rinuncia al posto (PhD position renunciation form)
  • Link identifier #identifier__193562-3Modulo per la rinuncia alla borsa (Scholarship renunciation form)
  • Link identifier #identifier__134339-4 Dichiarazione di conformità della tesi (Declaration of conformity of the PhD thesis)
  • Link identifier #identifier__105017-5Modulo per il cambio di residenza e/o dei dati bancari (Form for change of residence and/or bank details)
  • Link identifier #identifier__150733-6Modulo unico per l’iscrizione all’anno successivo (Single form for enrollment for the following year)

Specific modules for PhD students in Sciences of Matter and Nanomaterials (SciMano) are available on the Link identifier #identifier__1391-4PhD Forms page and concern the following activities (in Italian only):

  • Attestato di frequenza (Certificate of attendance)
  • Autorizzazione soggiorno estero (Authorization to stay abroad)
  • Piano di studi (Study plan)
  • Richiesta di proroga (Extention request)
  • Richiesta di sospensione (Suspension request)
  • Richiesta nulla osta per incarico retribuito (Request for clearance for paid assignment)

Common forms for all members of the department can be found on the dedicated Link identifier #identifier__100086-5administrative forms page, such as for example (in Italian only):

  • Autorizzazione missione (Mission authorization)
  • Richiesta pagamento missione (Mission payment request)
  • Richiesta spese pubblicazione (Request for publication costs)
Link identifier #identifier__60372-6Link identifier #identifier__30712-7Link identifier #identifier__115558-8
Francesco Offi 08 February 2023