La versione in Link identifier #identifier__34912-1Italiano
Event |
Date/Period |
Training activities | February – September |
Study plan presentation (first year) | within February first year |
Admission to the following year | January |
Deadline for the appointment of referees | September 30th last year |
Deadline for sending thesis to the referees | December 31st last year |
Deadline for receiving the referees’ evaluation | January 31st following the last year |
Final version of the thesis | within one month of completing the course* |
Public discussion of the thesis | by June 30th of the year following the conclusion of the course* |
*unless postponed for a period of three or six months, if the referees deem it necessary to make significant additions or corrections to the thesis (see regulation)
For PhD students enrolled at the time the new Regulation came into force (July 2022), whose three-year training courses took effect from 1 November, the deadlines for completing the final exam remain as follows:
− the referees are appointed by 30 June of the last year of the course;
− the PhD Committee sends the thesis to the referees by October 31st of the last year of the course;
− the referees express their analytical judgment on the thesis by the following December 31st;
− in the event of a judgment by the referees that does not provide for postponement, the thesis, with resolution of the PhD Committee, is admitted to public discussion, to be held by April 30th of the calendar year following the one in which the course ended;
− in the event of postponement, for a period of three or six months, the public discussion will be held, respectively, by July 30th or October 31st of the calendar year following the one in which the course ended.